Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Welcome to WVF At Home!

As a fashion blogger, I've always encouraged emails should anyone have questions. I've always thought that if one person has a questions, then others probably have the same question. 

Surprisingly, what's the subject I get the most email questions about?
 People trying to find places to live in West Virginia.

I have received many emails from people sending me the listing to a house or apartment building and wanting my opinion on the schools in the area, is it safe to walk the dog around the block after dark, etc. Obviously most of these people are coming from out of state and often wanted another opinion outside of their realtor's.

I do know a bit about homes. I worked in the construction industry for over four years and have estimated my fair share of materials for someone's dream home. I'm no stranger around a construction site and can mix Quikrete with the best of 'em. I count plumbing as one of my talents.

How many other fashion bloggers can say they have their own miter saw?

When I started my fashion blog West Virginia Fashion (then The Mountaineer Fashionologist, you can see why I changed the name), friends, family, & coworkers had encouraged me to add posts about home decor, gardening, etc. I didn't because I wanted to focus solely on style and beauty in West Virginia.

Many of my friends have started to buy homes or are facing their first major home improvement project and now they want my advice and suggestions--along with my miter saw and I making an appearance.  At their request I've decided to put said advice and suggestions onto the interwebs so that I don't have to keep repeating myself.

For the present, posts will be on Tuesdays with possible expansion later on.

Photo Elle Decor

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